Thank You!


I just wanted to give a thanks to all you visitors out there! Some of you may be frequent visitors who have been with me from the start… Others are probably brand new to An Opened Mind and that is awesome! In the last few weeks I’ve had about a 300% increase in visitors from the previous weeks.


A lot of you out there are supportive and I just wanted to thank you for that. I have been working hard to keep up and continue adding new content. I have had a busy schedule lately with college classes as well as a job. Being busy has made me a bit slower about posting new content and updating but I am still managing to find time. You all matter to me and I want to do my best to please you with new and interesting content!


If you have any suggestions on things you would like me to post about, please feel free to leave a comment. Once again, thanks to all of you who have been there supporting me, as well as a welcome to anyone new to An Opened Mind!


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